International Flight Resources

Vero Beach, FL

About the School

IFR provides a comprehensive range of services designed for all stages of aircraft operations in domestic and international theaters with a high degree of personal service. It is IFR's practice to assign one dispatcher to be responsible for each trip. This ensures that the person assigned is very familiar with all details related to the flight, and changes, if required, are easily implemented with no disruption to the schedule, or the need for the operator or pilot to describe the mission all over again to another dispatcher. Services offered include, but are not limited to: Pre-Flight Analysis and Flight Planning CFPs in any format Over-flight and Landing Permits Trip Cost and Analysis Surface Arrangements and Coordination Fuel ETS Coordination and Submission of Emissions Our dedicated team has over 25 years of experience in worldwide operations not only as flight support providers, but also as pilots and operators. This extensive experience has allowed IFR to acquire a broad network of valuable associates and business partners all over the globe which translate into savings for our customers. IFR's team is pleased to make available to its customers their talent, experience and connections to provide not only the very best in aircraft flight planning and support, but most importantly, to ensure the safe and successful outcome of each and every flight.

Begin Your Aviation Journey

Train with International Flight Resources through modern flight training platform Feathers

Flexible Scheduling
Progress Tracking
Weather Integration
Digital Flight Training
Booking & Management
Training Solution
EASA Compliant
FAA Approved
Cloud Platform