Sport Flying USA Services

About the School

Sport Flying USA Services provides flight training, aircraft maintenance and aircraft sales for a wide range of aircraft types. Our flight school department trains in the Bristell, with 4 aircraft to choose from and a staff of flight instructors ready ...

Training Programs

Flight Training

Take to the skies with one of our FAA Certified Flight Instructors where YOU are at the controls! Enjoy a scenic ride around Lancaster County in our Bristell aircraft, where you will have the opportunity to fly the airplane and learn basic maneuvers, as well as takeoff and landing!

Quick Info

School Size
Fleet Size
13 Aircraft

Training Fleet

Modern and well-maintained aircraft available for your flight training

Bristell NG5
Flight Design - LS and SW
Evektor - Sportstar
BRM Aero Bristell
Aero AT - Gobosh
Piper Sport Cruiser
Remos Aircraft
Vans Aircraft
Pipstrel Sling
Rans Aircraft

Book Your Training

Sport Flying USA Services uses Flight Schedule Pro for flight training management

Online Scheduling
Digital Records
Progress Tracking
Online Scheduling
Book training sessions 24/7
Progress Tracking
Monitor your training progress
Cloud Platform
Access your records anywhere
FAA Compliant
Digital Logbooks
Maintenance Tracking